Tuesday, January 13, 2009

4 Months old!

This is a tad bit late but Happy four months to Nathan! He is getting so big! So to update you, he is 15lbs 15 oz and 25 1/2 inches long. He is in the 75th percentile for both height and weight! Baby boy grew! My chunkster is in mainly 6th month clothing now too because of his length. I just can't believe he is so big! The doctor said he is very pleased with his growth because he was so early. So I guess, he is pretty much caught up. Developmentally, he is doing rather well. He still hates tummy time. But we are trying really hard to get him to stay on his tummy longer. I takes a lot of encouragement from mommy and daddy to get him to stay there for longer than a minute! In new developments, Nathan has begun squealing. He has found this new mode of communication very satisfying. The other night at about 2am we woke up to squeals of delight as he was talking to his mobile! (At least he wasn't crying) Another new trick of his is blowing bubbles. Lately, spit has just been falling out of his mouth and he has discovered that blowing bubbles and making raspberry sounds is so much more fun! Nathan is a talker. He will carry on the best baby conversation with you. Of course, he is working hard to mimic our vowel sounds. But I may add that he is doing a pretty good darn job at it. He's so smart. We started rice cereal from a spoon with no luck. He did not like it. So tonight I ended up making my own baby food for him. I ended up pureeing some butternut squash in hopes he would take to it better. Well, it worked! He loved it and got the hang real quickly of eating from a spoon. Of course, it there was still a big mess to clean because he had to blow bubbles here and there. But he was a happy baby! I can't believe it's been four months! He has changed and developed so much! It is such a blessing and my greatest joy to watch him grow and develop. Happy four months baby boy!

1 comment:

  1. wow! he's a big boy!!! :) i'm so glad that he likes his mobile...sounds like he's having a party in his crib! how fun!!!
