My dear husband suprised me during the sick period by telling me he had bought tickets to see the show Wicked in B'ham! Despite feeling icky, we packed our bags and traveled to Birmingham to see the show! It was awesome! I had been telling him for months how I really wanted to see it. I guess he listened to me after all!
So afterwards, we spent the night at my parents house. Butterbean and I ended up staying at their house for the rest of the weekend. It was nice to be cared for while being sick! I just hope they don't come down with what we had.
I do have some pictures to share, but the camera battery died and I'm in the process of charging it now. So let me leave you with a few pictures of cuteness . . . to keep you wanting more of course!

Did you enjoy Wicked? One of my friends at work went and she LOVED it!!