It's been a little crazy here, in the armpit of the south. Butterbean turned 8 months old, The Mr. came down with poison ivy from rummaging around in the woods, I've been working on baby shower things, and I've started packing for our BIG trip!
So the Butterbean is now 8 months old! He is growing up so fast. He has really turned into quite the comical baby. He loves to scream, blow bubbles and spit, and copy mommy and daddy.

New things he has just discovered:
-Shake his head for no. He usually does this when I tell him "no,no". I'm not sure if I really like him shaking no already as he has begun doing this now when I change his diaper.
-He's inching himself around to get his toys. His new found mobility has made him a much happier baby. Although he still doesn't like being on his tummy, when he rolls over himself he'll stay on his tummy for a while.
-He loves to jump! He has discovered that jumping in his Johnny jump up is so much fun! The second we put him in it, he is jumping, jumping, jumping!
-He also plays "So big". When we ask how big he is, he lifts his arms in the air and giggles.
-He enjoys being sung to. It doesn't matter what song it is as long as it's a song. His favorite by far is the Itsy Bitsy Spider. I spend majority of my day singing silly songs (and making most of them up as I go along).
-He is beginning to love books. His favorite books are the touch and feel books. Butterbean will spend several minutes on each page, studying it and patting it.
He also wants to show you this:
Do you see what I'm talking about? Maybe not. Well what about this picture?
It's right there! Look really close. It's his very first tooth!
He's growing up so fast!
Now, onto the Mr. His job sometimes requires him to be out running in the woods. Well, he did just that recently and came home with poison ivy. I encouraged him to go to the doctor for the itching. He finally did. The doc. gave him some steroids for the itching.
Let me just say wow!
I feel like I'm living with a menopausal woman. He has hot flashes and then he's been scrounging around in the kitchen for food. Hopefully this will all end soon. The other night, I caught him in the kitchen picking at some chicken.
Anyhoo, I'm also preparing for our BIG trip. The Butterbean and I will be leaving the armpit of the south to visit the vast north of the US! That's right, in a couple weeks time we will be going to see my sister, Papa, and Grandma! We will be gone for pretty much the rest of the summer. Or at least until the end of July!
What? Am I going to be able to blog while I'm gone? Of course I am! You don't think I would actually take off for the whole summer and not keep everyone update on our fascinating lives, would you?
I'll have lots of stories to tell, and pictures to share. So stay tuned. BIG trip coming up soon!
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